Hyperautomation For The Enhancement Of Automation In Industries | All About Hyperautomation

Hyperautomation For The Enhancement Of Automation In Industries

Software that makes process automation possible is the type of tool that business owners and team managers dream about. The benefits of this process automation include efficiency, less human effort, physical strength, human involvement in the work process etc. But, let’s see, what will happen if we take the automation a little bit further, how would it be? What would be the effect, if we upgrade the already set automation? How would it affect the workforce and human lives in general?
This is when the HYPERAUTOMATION concept comes in.


We know automation to be the application of technologies in the society to render services with minimal or no human intervention. But its application and rendering of services are restricted. Basically, the word Hyper automation refers to a technology where everything will be virtually automated. It upgrades the limited nature of automation, takes it to a higher level which automates the automation.
Hyper automation is a fast and rising approach to automation. According to Gartner - after conducting a survey - Hyper Automation has been ranked among the top 10 'strategic technology trends' for 2022, and that 85% of participants will increase or retain their company investment over the next 1 year, and already 56%, Eighty-five percent of participants have four or more contemporary hyper automation initiatives. In their quote, they said that 'hyper automation is rapidly shifting from an alternative to survival' and that old work processes are being ranked as numbers. 1 manpower problem.
Without consent from any authority, Hyperautomation is rapidly taking over business organization processes, industrial processes, and many other work processes where automation is handicapped and restricted due to poor quality data, insufficient resources, and outdated technologies.


Automation occurs on a small scale, initially creating solutions designed to solve individual tasks. In contrast, hyper automation involves a combination of multiple automation tools that enable intelligent automation and scale automation initiatives.

As no single tool can replace humans, the hyper automation combo trending today consisting of:
·        RPA
·        ML
·        AI
·        OCR and other task automation tools, is aimed to increase digital transformation in companies and enterprise automation. Where automation stops, the intelligent automation (Hyperautomation) begins from there.
Challenges like;
·        Reliance on structured data,
·        Synchronizing events,
·        Captcha/OTP handling,
·        High-upfront investment cost etc, facing automation is what hyper automation comes to bisect then provide solutions to each of them. Companies are more focused on the self intelligence or decision making ability of automation technology.
Some other tech tools enabling hyper automation include; Process mining, Natural Language Processing (NPL), APIs, Business Process Management (BPM), Computer Vision (CV), and International Business Process Management Suits (IBPMS).


Having explained the meaning of the hyper automation technology, here are some benefits of having a hyper automation technology as an asset. The integration of RPA, ML, OCR and other advanced automating technologies into an organization’s automation abilities provides it with benefits such as:
1.     Amplifies automation of work and automation processes: Through robotic and process automation, companies can automate tedious and repetitive tasks to ease work for their staffs. An assembly of technologies, tools and components can be aligned to increase the extent of automation in a business company. It increases a business’ productivity apart from the ease it allows for.
2.  Increases Business Agility: This means how possible it is (the feasibility) for a company to adapt to what is required of it at any given time. Hyperautomation in this part takes control, scaling according to new demands and requirements. Intelligent automation tools make it easier for businesses to change and keep track with dynamic and growing markets.
3. Fosters Team Collaboration and Improves Productivity:  Hyperautomation provides companies with the means to connect employees with the tools they use daily. Together with RPA, hyper automation software and other intelligent tools, users throughout the organization will find it easier to collaborate with each other.
4.   Improves Employee Engagement and satisfaction: Hyperautomation is capable of improving work quality by using advanced technologies that make manual work less difficult to accomplish. The approach also requires people in the company to contribute to the digital transformation which increases workforce engagement.



There is no doubt that one out of many industries pressured to improve efficiency and provide more personalized experiences for customers is the finance sector. Financial institutions can leverage higher quality data to be more effective in their business process management using hyper automation. This improvement will allow the institution to provide in-depth information to their customers, enabling them to make more informed and solid decisions.


Another industry that can leverage hyper automation is the healthcare industry, in which it is used to ensure regulatory compliance which is not critical for viability only but also for the of any health organization. Health facilities can also begin to access the development to provide their patient with better experiences.


The retail industry is another pressured industry to improve efficiency and customer feedback process. By harnessing the power of multiple technologies, customer support process services that require replying to mails, understanding and answering questions and queries including making changes to customer data are automatically responded to. Hyperautomation can also be used by retail industries to analyze and monitor the criteria for a market place e.g. customer feedback, competitive pricing, etc, therefore allowing them to make more accurate, faster, and firm decisions, resulting in increased revenue and profits.


Considering the saying that whatever exists must have advantages and also disadvantages. In the like manner, hyper automation has its own challenges. Despite the great transforming effects of the emergence of the intelligent technology, it has some barriers affecting it.
The primary challenge of hyper automation technology is that; it is too expensive to purchase and complicated in use. Imagine a single hyper automated machinery is worth $70 million for a business organization. Barely many organizations can afford that amount of money to buy and maintain such a high based technology.

Other challenges include:

I.     Challenges in process simplification,
II.    Training data may be unavailable or may include personal data.
III.   Lack of process understanding etc.


To avoid being left behind in the fast and continued growth and the popularity of the intelligent automation, it is obvious without being stated that companies and organizations must begin adopting this end-to-end automation. The priority for organizations that have ventured into the usage of the trending automation is to stay ahead, having the lead hand in the tech without opposition, by continuously assessing existing processes and ensuring that the current tool stake is still working sufficiently.
The fact is that having a coordinated ecosystem of automated processes can make work and life, especially life, easier for your employees to collaborate and work together toward a common goal. This is also the reason why you should select hyper automation software and tools that can be combined accurately to work seamlessly.
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