James Webb the successor of Hubble Telescope

25th December 2021 Nasa has launched the James Webb telescope by
Ariane 5 rocket from ESA’s spaceport French Guiana, the successor of the Hubble telescope will be placed at 1.5M km away from the earth; it is a position between earth and sun where the James Web will be placed is called L2 point or ‘Lagrange point 2’. It will work from there so many new things will be discovered, it is the new eye of the earth 100x more powerful than the Hubble telescope. After 29 days the James Webb telescope will reach the point in space, the total cost for this project was 9.7 billion USD. James Webb will start working after 6 months of taking place at the L2 point.

Specification of the James Webb telescope

·         One of the most important things about the James Webb telescope is its mirror which is giant 21.4ft (6.5 meters) wide made of gold which is nearly about 3 times wider than the Hubble Telescope so that it can collect more light to see space deeper.

·          To resist instrumental damage problem it has covered with KAPTON-E polyimide film 5 sun shield layer which is thin like a human hair.

·         One more important part of the telescope is the SPACECRAFT BUS which is the primary support component of the Webb telescope which controls computing, communicating, propulsion, and structural imbalance.

·         ISIM (Integrated science instrument module) it can be said the brain of the James Webb telescope; ISIM has four different scientific instruments which control different parts of the telescope.

1. NIR Cam

2. NIR Spec



This four-module controls electrical power, computing resources, cooling capabilities, and structural stability.

According to NASA James Webb can see 13.7 billion light-years far which is just after 100 million years later from the formation of our universe. 


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